Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Makes You Happy? ¿Qué te hace feliz?

Hello my dear friends, I hope this season is treating you great! 
They say autumn brings memories and for multiple reasons, today my mind is going back to 21 years ago when the clinical laboratory first opened to the public. 
I admit, that was a goal that cooked in the kitchen of the cosmos for some years. :) 
Reaching goals is paramount to be happy. We often persuade  a goal and when we reach it,  do not enjoy it because we are stressed for different reasons. Who has not experienced that?  We know that happiness is a state of  mind.
The most important thing to know is what makes us happy right now, because with the passage of time, we change and what once fascinated us, doesn't fascinate us anymore. For example, two decades ago I didn't care about sleeping well. Today I know that everything has its price and having a good quality of sleep is important, as it makes us happy and makes us more productive the next day. 

If you are a person who goes after  relaxation and happiness, today I have three tips to achieve this.

1.-Sleep well.- Your priority should be sleeping great and waking up fresh as lettuce the next day :=)  Years later, your brain and  body will thank you, I  assure it! 

2.-Turn your home into a sanctuary.- when we go to church, we will not criticize others right? 
     I recommend you never take family or work problems home. Our home 
      should be sacred and thus, we can have a more restful sleep. 

3.-Steal money from yourself.- always  try to separate some money to give yourself  some  small luxuries, which  you really like, those that undoubtedly you think you deserve. If you can not invest a lot, use your creativity and give yourself small prizes you know deserve. Buying some little things for yourself, will make you...absolutely happy!
Personally, being well dressed fascinates me. If I consider  that a dress is  too expensive then I make it by myself and that makes me double even more happy! 
To sum things up, reaching goals makes us happy only when we are relaxed and able to enjoy  life!



¡Hola mis queridos lectores, espero que esta nueva temporada les esté tratando de maravilla!
Dicen que el otoño nos trae remembranzas y por multiples razones, mi mente se  está , hoy en día,transportando, con fercuencia a hace 21 años, cuando estaba en visperas de  abrir el laboratorio clínico al público.
Les confieso que fue una meta que duró cocinandose en la cocina del cosomos por algunos años. :)
 El alcanzar metas es primordial para ser felices.Con frecuencia vamos sobre una meta y cuando la alcanzamos, no la disfrutamos por estar estresados por diferentes razones. ¿ A quién no le ha pasado? Sabemos que la felicidad es un estado mental  de gozo  
 Lo más importante de esto es saber qué nos hace felices en este preciso momento, ya que con el paso del tiempo, cambiamos y  lo que antes nos apasionaba, ahora pasa a segundo termino. Por ejemplo, hace dos dédacadas era toda una guerrera y dormir bién o no dormir, no me interesaba tanto. 
Hoy se que todo tiene su precio y tener una buena calidad de sueño  es primordial, ya que eso nos convierte en personas más productivas y felices .

Sí eres una persona que anda en pos del relajamiento y la felicidadd, hoy te tengo tres tips para logralo.

1.-Duerme bien .- que tu prioridad sea dormir de maravilla y despertar fresc@ como lechuga al dia siguiente. Con el paso de los años, tu cerebro y tu cuerpo te lo agradecerán, te lo aseguro!

2.-Convierte tu casa en un santuario.- cuando vamos a la iglesia, no vamos a criticar a otros ¿verdad?
    Te recomiendo que nunca te lleves los problemas  familiares o laborales a casa. Nuesto hogar 
     deberá ser sagrado y de esa manera, podremos tener un sueño más reparador.

3.- Róbate a ti mismo.- siempre aparta un poco de dinero para darte unos pequeños lujos, algo que 
     realmente te guste, pues indudablemente te lo mereces. Si no puedes invertir mucho, usa tu 
     ingenio, pero date esos pequeños premios que tanto te gustan y te aseguro que serás tremenda-
     mente feliz. A mi en particular, me fascina andar bien vestida, sí considero que un vestido es
     caro, entonces lo confecciono yo misma y me hace doblemente....¡¡¡Feliz!!!

Recordando, alcanzar metas nos hace felices sólo si estamos relajados y aptos para disfrutrar de la vida!

¡ Salud!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Do You Believe in Angels?

From an early age, I learned that three subjects I should not argue because I will never win. These   subjects were : politics, religion and my brothers' girlfriends. :)
Today, because of the twin towers' incident in New York (September 11th, 2001) I would like to share with you a little bit about angels. Angels have been mentioned in almost every religion for thousands of years. A person does not need to be religious to believe in them. Believing in the angels of God is being  certain that something good is going to happen. Believing in angels is very different from being superstitious thinking something bad will happen   because it was already a written statement in the fate of humanity, as some people think about September 11th, 2001.
Believing in divine angels is  transforming our world in a more pleasant and happy place!
Today, I have three affirmations to share with you. We need to pronounce them with great faith and see that miracles happen around us.
1- "My world has everything I need" 2.- "I forgive everyone who needs my forgiveness and I forgive myself." 3.-  "I am  accompanied by my angels anyplace I go."

1.-  "My world has everything I need".-  when we say this amazing phrase, it is very important to use our heart and leave everything in God's hands. Just yesterday, I was a little stressed out because I was needing to go to the bank, to go to the phone office and the city water office, At the same time I was needing to be here at my office..As you may know, here in Mexico, payments are made (in most cases) in person and not by the internet. Anyway, right when I was more worried, three people (who I was not even expecting to see them yesterday) offered  to go to make these payments for me. Then I said to myself: "there is no doubt  angels do exist, thank you God!"  I have so many examples like, enough reasons to believe in the magic of angels !!

Back to the point, when we pronounce  this affirmation with devotion "My world has everything I need," we will attract abundance and happiness into our lives! We will see miracles happen, if we truly believe that. I'm more than sure that if you try and add  heart to it, it will be worth it!

Two.-It is important to forgive others for their mistakes and forgive ourselves , The past is gone and that is just part of our history. Each day is a new opportunity to start again. Releasing grievances, forgiving others, we get rid of the past and welcome the present. The only true happiness is now, at this very moment, please do not waste it!  

3.- Keep in mind that  we are accompanied by these wonderful beings  wherever we go if we want, I often wear a pin with angels. It's easy to get carried away by our intellect or ego and forget that marvelous things can happen if we stay positive and believe that angels really do exist! Do not forget to repeat:  "My angels protect me and follow me anywhere I go !!"

The moral for this week is: Allow us the opportunity to believe in God's angels, believe that they are here to help us in this wonderful adventure of living! A big hug to everyone of you!

