Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to Make Our Goals Become True!- Cómo convertir nuestras metas en realidad!

We are a few hours of saying goodbye to 2014 and welcoming 2015. With that, our hopes of success increase. I don't know what traditions you have in your city or country, but here there are plenty of things people do to welcome the year with optimism.
For example, some people walk with empty suitcases around the house in order to have many trips in the upcoming year. Some women wear yellow and red underwear (one over the other) to be economically successful and successful in their relationships. If you visit a clothing store during this time of year, the first thing you will see are the yellow and red panties at the entrance.  It feels great walking around downtown and remembering all of these traditions.

Undoubtedly, it is fair to have hopes. As humans beings, we have instincts of success. Having aspirations and expectations is worth it...Why not?  As I have done many times, you may ask yourself :why are some people able to reach their goals and other people are not? To make your dream a reality you need  to do three things.
1.- Be specific  2.- Use your visualization 3.- Add all of your energy (enjundia)

1.- Be specific.- we often ask for more money, but we do not establish, how much money we want and what we are going to do to earn that amount of money. We also want to find the man or woman of our dreams, however we do not know where we are going to find him/her. For this year, my recommendation is: let´s be more specific about what we want and what we going to do to achieve our big dream!
2.- Use your visualization.- we need to have a clear image in our mind of what we really want and need. Any big dream has firstly been in the mind of  that man or woman who achieved it. We can help ourselves by drawings or sketching what we want. In other words, we need to tattoo our minds with our dreams, so we can live and sleep with them until we achieve them!
3.- Add all of the "enjundia" (this phrase was used by the Spaniards when they said the bullfighters lacked substance or courage to face the bull. Any way, once you have been specific, draw your dream, and impregnate your drawings with all of the "enjundia" or energy needed until you have achieved your most wished dream!
For this, I wish you a 2015 full of accomplishments!!!



Estamos a unas cuantas horas de despedir el  2014 y darle la bienvenida al 2015. Y con ello, nuestras esperanzas de éxito se engrandecen. No se si en tu ciudad  se use, pero aquí hay un sinfín de tradiciones que se estilan para recibir al año nuevo. Por ejemplo, algunas personas pasean las maletas por toda la casa (el primer día del año) para tener un año con muchos viajes. Algunas mujeres(bastantes) usan ropa interior roja y amarilla (una arriba de otra) para tener éxito en el amor y el dinero. Si visitas cualquier centro de ropa, lo primero que verás son pantaletas rojas y amarillas a la entrada de cada tienda... :) ¡Es bonito caminar por el centro de mi ciudad y ver todas estas tradiciones!

Indudablemente es aceptable el tener esperanzas. Como seres humanos que somos, poseemos instinto de éxito y se vale tener altas aspiraciones y expectativas ¿porqué no?
Tal vez  se pregunten, como me lo he preguntado yo misma muchísimas veces, ¿porqué algunas personas logran sus sueños y porqué otras no?  Para poder ver realizadas nuestros sueños, necesitamos tres cosas.
1.- Ser más específicos. 2.- Usar la visualización  3.- Ponerle toda la enjundia necesaria.

1.- Ser específicos.- muchas veces deseamos tener más solvencia económica, pero no establecemos qué cantidad deseamos ganar y qué vamos a hacer para lograrlo. O queremos encontrar al hombre o mujer de nuestros sueños, pero no sabemos en dónde lo vamos a buscar. Este año, mi recomendación es: seamos más específicos en cuanto a lo que queremos lograr.
2.- La visualización es muy importante, pues necesitamos ir al futuro y ver nuestro sueño realizado. Podemos ayudarnos con imágenes o dibujos  de lo que realmente queremos.  Necesitamos tatuarnos nuestros sueños en la mente y así poder verlos realizados a la mayor brevedad posible.
3.- Añadirle toda la enjundia significa impregnarle todo el sabor o la  pasión a lo que deseemos lograr. Esta palabra la usaban los españoles cuando decían que a los toreros les faltaba enjundia o valor para enfrentar al toro.  Así que les deseo toda la pasión para que puedan alcanzar sus más altos ideales.

¡Les deseo un 2015 lleno de amables realizaciones!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

¡ The Three Most Valuable Gifts ¡Los tres regalos más valiosos!

Hoy, como todos sabemos, es una noche maravillosa. Noche en que nos reconciliamos, no sólo con los demás, sino con nosotros mismos. Hoy es el tiempo para deshacernos de cualquier agravio y de dar gracias a la vida por tantas bendiciones.
Me encanta esta era de la tecnología, pues nos permite disfrutar de otros lugares, casi como si estuviéramos ahí. 
Les confieso que este es uno de mis lugares favoritos en Portland, Oregon. y me encantaría estar ahí ahora, pero también estoy feliz de poder pasar este tiempo al lado de mis viejos (mis padres) quienes tienen una edad avanzada y deseo aprovechar al máximo, el tiempo con ellos.
En fin, esta tarde, después de hacer a un lado mis múltiples tareas, me he escapado un ratito para conversar un poco con ustedes y  recordarles que no debemos olvidar los tesoros más valiosos que la vida nos ha dado:la familia, la salud y la amistad verdadera. Sin esos tres regalos, ¿qué sentido tendría el vivir la vida? Y como diría una amiga, con esos tres regalos, "Qué nos puede importar el mar, si perlas somos". :)

¡¡¡Un fuerte abrazo para todos ustedes y que tengan  muy feliz Navidad!!!    


Today, as we all know, is a great night!  A night when we reconcile not only with others, but also with ourselves. Now is the time to get rid of any grievance and give thanks to life for so many blessings we have. I love this age of technology, it alows us to enjoy an event elsewhere, almost as if we were there. 
The picture is of one of my favorite places in Portland, Oregon and I admit that I would love to be there right now, but I am also happy to spend this time with my parents who are elderly now and want to make the most out of my time with them.
Anyway, this afternoon, after putting aside my multitasking, I got a way for a while to chat a bit with you and remind you that we must not forget the most  valuable treasures that life has given us; family, health, and true friendship. Without these three gifts, what would life be?
Therefore, let us be thankful !!!

Merry Christmas to all of you!!


Friday, December 12, 2014

Vivir con fe, vale la pena ! Living With Faith is Worth it!

Hoy todo México, pueblo de mucha fe, está de fiesta, pues se celebra a la muy venerada virgen de Guadalupe.
Esta historia data del año 1535, cuando, según la leyenda, la virgen se le apareció en el cerro del Tepeyac a un nativo indígena de nombre Juan Diego, quién era de una ciudad llamada Cuauhtitlán, reino de Texcoco y pertenecia a la etnia de los Chichimecas. El nombre original de esta persona  era Cuauhtlatotatzin y en su lengua materna significaba; "Águila que habla." Como han de saber, nuestros ancestros estaban convencidos de que las aves, a través de su canto, transmitían mensajes espirituales. Casualmente, justo ayer, prestigiados investigadores de la universidad de Duke , en Carolina del norte, EEUU, publicaron un articulo en el que demuestran que los circuitos neurológicos de algunos pájaros cuando cantan, son muy similares a los de los humanos cuando hablan.

Existen bastantes versiones sobre la virgen de Guadalupe y su aparición. Qué si fue verídico o que si  fue ficticio. Cómo lo mencionaba antes, existen dos cosas que en particular no me gusta discutir y son: política y religión, así que mejor se los dejo a su criterio. Por mi parte, le pondré más atención al canto de los pájaros cuando haga mis caminatas por el bosque para ver si logro entender cosas bonitas :)

De una cosa, sí estoy segura, cuando combinamos la fe con el conocimiento y la pasión, podemos ver realizados nuestros sueños con mayor rapidez ! ¡¡Vivir con fe,vale la pena !!



Today , almost everyone in  Mexico is celebrating our Laidy of Guadalupe.
This story dates back to 1535, when according to the legend, the Virgin appeared in front of  a native indigenous man named Juan Diego, on the hill of Tepeyac, which was in a city called Cuauhtitlán, the kingdom of Texcoco and belonged to the ethnic group named Chichimeca. The original name of this person was Cuauhtlatotatzin, which in their native language meant, "Eagle Speaking." As you may know, our ancestors were totally convinced that by their songs, the birds could transmit spiritual messages. Coincidentally, yesterday,  prestigious researchers from Duke University in North Carolina, USA, published an article, which shows that the neural circuits of some birds when they sing are very similar to those of humans when they speak.

There are many versions of the story of The Virgin of Guadalupe and her appearance. Whether it was true or if it was fictional. As was mentioned before, there are two things that I do not particularly like to discuss: politics and religion, everyone has their own opinion. I however will pay more attention to the birdsongs taking my walks through the woods to see if I understand some pretty things :)

If there is one thing I am sure of it is that when we combine faith with knowledge and passion, we can achieve our goals much easier! Living with faith is worth it!



Monday, December 1, 2014

What is Your Definition of Excellence?

A few days ago I was called  to give a conference at a university, the subject was open, so I decided to choose excellence. I can tell you that I'm quite enjoying working on this, which is why I want to share a little of what it will be about.

Someone wrote: "Excellence is achieved when someone is more interested in what others believe is necessary to be interested, when someone risks more than others think they should risk, when someone dreams more than others think is possible to dream and when someone expects more than others expect. "

This made me think of Doña Chuyita Montoya, who has a business of selling cemitas, corycos, pies and all kinds of typical desserts of this region(Sinaloa, Mexico.) Since I can remember, this lady was selling desserts in her home. The whole town knows about her business, The Cemitas of Avenida Carranza. They are very popular, why? This good woman has dedicated her entire life to her business.
This afternoon I visited her and she told me her story in a nutshell. She is 82 years old, gets up at three o'clock to work hard preparing delicious desserts and she serves her customers with a nice smile upon her lips.
I think no one could contradict me. Her cemitas and other desserts taste like heaven (super delicious)

This leads me to think and say as Martin Luther King would say, "If a person dedicates his/her life to sweeping streets, he should sweep like Michelangelo sculpted, like Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare composed poetry. So later people can say, he was a great street-sweeper!"
The world needs people like her! Doña Chuyita practiced excellence because she has been more interested in her business than other sellers of bread have, she has risked more, working overtime despite her age, and she has dreamed and expected more than others!

She is definitely a real example of excellence. A thousand congratulations, Chuyita!! We love you and wish you all the blessings!

Have a great week!
